Jackson accused White of lying

Quinton Jackson, former UFC champion, has accused the promotion's president Dana White of cheating his fighters.

"One of the reasons I was upset with Dana is because, according to my contract, if I sold over a million pay-per-views, my PPV revenue skyrocketed. And in the fight between me and Rashad Evans, I crossed that threshold. And White told me, "No, you grossed about 900,000, which is up to a million." But then in the press he told everybody, "We sold over a million." I jumped on him saying, "Pay me for what you said." He says, "No, it's part of the promotion, that's how you make yourself look good." Don't pay me for you telling me what the hell we did. Pay me for what the hell you're out there promoting. That's what left a bad taste in my mouth. Sometimes when people don't appreciate you, you lose your love for the sport. That's the reason I stepped away from MMA, but now this podcast is giving me my love back. If they did it to me, I'm sure they do it to other fighters," the fighter said on the JAXXON podcast.